A complete Claims Experience
We listen and effectively respond to your needs and those of your clients. Our team of experienced experts has the latest technology working for them to ensure cost and risk is always at a minimum. Our edge is our innovative Online Claims Management System which provides both clients and CCS staff with the most powerful solution in the industry. |

about us
Our state-of-the-art Claims Management system is web based, and is capable of entirely paperless claims handling. It is an integrated Claims Management/Document Management/Financial system. This system allows our clients real-time access to their files and an ability to communicate directly with our adjusters and management within the claims system. Additionally, your staff can upload documents directly into the claims files, further eliminating the need for paper.
Submit a Claim Assignment Online
The Assignment Submission Form will open in a new window after you click “Submit Assignment”. Fill in as much detail as possible and click “Save Assignment” at the bottom of the submission page. Please contact us if you have any questions or require assistance. |

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Calgary Office - Move in Progress

See the Difference Today!
Our innovative Claims Management System will provide you with real time tracking and processing times much faster than industry standard.

We are always on the lookout for quality team members.
We are currently expanding our offices in many regions across Canada.